
The One-Bite Rule for Dog Attacks in Colorado

What Is the One-Bite Rule? There is a pervasive myth that we often hear at Donaldson Law, LLC: the one-bite rule. Most people assume that if they or their children experience a dog attack and are injured, they can only sue and receive compensation if that dog bit someone before. The underlying assumption is that...

Back to School in Denver: Getting to and From School Safely

As a parent, it may feel like the worrying never ends. During the summer, you worry about your children’s safety when they are out riding bikes, at camp, and hanging out with friends. Now that the end of August is approaching, you have to consider your children’s safety on the way to school, at school,...

Bike Share Programs & Safety in Denver

Bike share programs are expanding in the Denver region and across the U.S. for a number of reasons. Not everyone can afford a bike of their own, particularly students. Sturdy and durable bikes can be pricey, not to mention the maintenance they require. Also, not everyone wants to consistently travel by bike. Many people enjoy...

The Most Bikeable Areas Around Denver

Colorado Is a Great Place to Bike One of the benefits and joys of living in or around Denver is the accessibility of the outdoors. It’s so easy to step outside for a breath of fresh air and, better yet, to not rely on a car to get around. In 2017, The League of American...

Introducing the Colorado Biking Resource Center

In 2014, USA Today reported that United States Census Bureau data showed that the number of people who commuted to work by bicycle had increased by nearly 60 percent over the past decade. The Huffington Post reported, last December, that bike commuting tripled in Denver from 1990 to 2012. As biking becomes more popular in...